NBA Finals on ESPN | you seeing this?

Rather than running ads prior to games and expecting young people to commit to appointment viewing, ESPN showed NBA fans not watching the Playoffs exactly what they were missing live.

Case Study

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Crowd Reaction Volume Activated Ads

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TV Spot

Cavs v Warriors Game 1 TVC SPOT


Came up with idea for crowd-volume-activated ad serving
Came up with idea for billboards that are constantly printing live sports game updates at the top and shredding them at the bottom
Pitched activation ideas for Tinder and Twitch that were produced
Pitched Snap lens ideas
Sourced fan footage, coordinated footage acquisition, and shot some fan footage

Awards | Cannes Lion

- AD Partner: Anastasia Pasechnik
- Creative Director: Marie Ronn
- Creatives: Simon Gibson, Dan White
- A whole bunch of other smart, hardworking people